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what is needed head

If you decide that you would like us to create a Web Page for you, there is some things that we will need, to help us to put it together.

Any photos or clip-art that you will want put on your Web Page. You may send graphics to us in either digitized form or hard copy photos, we will then scan them into our computer and then return the originals back to you. Prepare captions for each photo. You may affix a 'PostIt Note' to the photo to indicate its caption and which web page it goes on.
Once they are in our computer, we will size them, enhance them and frame them.

Text copy for your page(s).
That is, what you want your pages to say. We will organise it and colour it so that it makes sense and it easy to read. Preferably we would like it on a floppy, and if possible, in Microsoft Word to reduce the time factor. Time equals expense. We must have your 'final copy' not the rough draft as any extra time spent editing the material is extra expense to you, and that's what not we are about. Keeping cost to a reasonable level and within a budget is very much what we want to do.

A great help would be if you have some idea of colour schemes you would like to have in your page(s) design. If not, no worries, we can work out something between us that will look great.

Have you have seen another Web Site that you like? Although we do not copy other peoples designs, it would give us some idea of what sort of layout you like, and I'm sure we can put together an original design based on those ideas for you.

Would you like extra pages linked to your main page? As you can see on this site, I have linked other pages to my main page, rather than having one huge one. If you are a Business or a Club or whatever, different products and the product's information can be put on it's own page. In the case of a Club or personal page, different interests etc., can have also have their own page which makes everything tidy and easy to follow.

If you have a Logo, we would need a copy of it to scan and use on your pages. If you don't have one but would like to, we can design one for you that I'm sure you will be pleased with.

If you are a Business or Organisation, a hand drawn Flowchart showing the relationship between your pages would be a great help. For most Personal pages, this is not neccesary.

You will need to determine where your new Web Site is to be stored and accessed from. Your Internet Service Provider is the first place to start. Some charge a set fee per month, but most offer you free space up to a specific size, usually quite generous.

We will design a draft copy of your new Web Site and then we will go through it with you and make changes where it is wanted or needed. Remember, this is YOUR Web Site and YOUR money is being paid for it to be created, so we are more than happy to create a page that you will be proud of!
Once your page(s) are designed to your satisfaction and you have decided where you would like it stored, we will complete the exercise by uploading your Web Site and register it with all the popular Web Search Engines.

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Thank You

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  • Barolin Web Design
